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Edit additional MySQL and MariaDB table options

Edit additional MySQL and MariaDB table options

MySQL table options Table options are part of table editing
Edit MySQL tables options
With this module you can change the settings for MySQL tables.
Information Goes to this page and displays information about the option
Save changes Saves the changes to the table
DELAY_KEY_WRITE (Delayed writing of the indexes)

Determines whether the index updates for the table should not be written until the table is closed.
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE (Index block size)

Specifies the index block size in bytes for MyISAM tables. The given size is a guideline. A different size can be used if necessary.
PACK_KEYS (Index compression)

For MyISAM tables. Compresses indexes, which typically makes updates slower and reads on the table faster.
ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE (Engine attribute)

Available to specify column attributes for primary storage engines. The options are reserved for future SQL Server versions.
SECONDARY_ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE (Second engine attribute)

Available to specify column attributes for secondary storage engines. The options are reserved for future SQL Server versions.
CHECKSUM (Checksum)

Generates a live checksum for all table rows when the table changes. This will make the table update a bit slower, but it will make it easier to find corrupted tables
COMPRESSION (Compression)

The compression algorithm for InnoDB tables can be specified here: Zlib / LZ4 / None.
ENCRYPTION (Table encryption)

Enables or disables data encryption for InnoDB tables. An encryption plugin must be installed and configured before encryption can be enabled.
ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID (Encryption key)

For MariaDB: Defines the identifier for the encryption type to be used.
CONNECTION (Connection)

The connection string for FEDERATED tables.
PASSWORD (Password)

This option is not used.
AUTOEXTEND_SIZE (Automatic table enlargement)

Defines the size by which InnoDB tables expand their memory when they need to grow. The setting is a multiple of 4 MB. The default is 0, which increases table memory by default.
MIN_ROWS (Minimum number of rows)

The minimum number of data rows to store in the table. The value is used as an indication of minimum memory usage.
MAX_ROWS (Maximum number of rows)

Specifies the likely maximum number of table rows to be stored in the table partition. The value is used as an indication of the maximum memory usage.
AVG_ROW_LENGTH (Average row length)

An approximation of the average row length for tables. Can be set for large tables with variable row length.
DATA DIRECTORY (Data directory)

Allows creating table data outside of the standard data directory. The full directory path must be specified.
INDEX DIRECTORY (Index directory)

Allows index data to be created outside of the default data directory. The full directory path must be specified.
TABLESPACE (Table storage)

Can be used to create a table in an existing table space, a file-per-table table space, or the system table space.
STORAGE (Table storage type)

This table option is only used with NDB tables and determines the storage type used (disk or memory) DISK / MEMORY.
INSERT_METHOD (Insertion option for MERGE tables)

When inserting data into a MERGE table, you can define here where the data should be inserted. Can be selected: NO / FIRST / LAST.
STATS_PERSISTENT (Persistent InnoDB statistics)

Enables persistent statistics for InnoDB tables.
STATS_AUTO_RECALC (Recalculate InnoDB persistent statistics automatically)

Persistent statistics for InnoDB tables are automatically recalculated.
STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES (Number of index pages to be captured)

Specifies the number of index pages to sample when estimating cardinality and other statistics for indexed columns.
More information about editing MySQL tables can be found here: mysql.com and mariadb.com
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