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Editing the structure of MySQL, MariaDB tables

Editing the structure of MySQL and MariaDB tables

Edit table The table editing module is called in the table list
Editing of MySQL tables
Module for editing MySQL tables:

Display information and data of the table.
Create and delete table columns, indexes, partitions and data.
Edit table structure, table options, indexes, partitions, triggers, data and user permissions.
Tools for converting, copying and deleting data and structure.
Backup to the SQL script archive of table and manage files.

The order of the table columns can be changed by drag & drop.
Table head:
Name: Name of the new table
Comment: Comment to be stored for the table.
Next autoindex: First AUTOINCREMENT value for the table.
Engine: Database format of the table.
Collation: Character set and collation of the table.
Row format: Format in which the table rows should be managed in the database.
Table columns:
Name: Column name
P/S: Primary or spatial index of the table.
U: Unique indexes to which the table column is linked.
I: Simple indexes to which the table column is linked.
F:Full-text indexes to which the table column is linked.
Type: Data type of the column.
Length/Value: Storage size or format of the data type.
Default value: Default value of the table column that should be inserted if the column is not described when a data record is created.
Character strings must be enclosed in quotes.
MariaDB also allows functions here.
NULL: column accepts NULL values.
Option: Data type options. For character strings, the character encoding.
Sorting: Collation assignment to character set.
Extra: Extra options for data column (AUTO_INCREMENT, ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP).
Comment: Comment to be stored for the data column.

Create fields after: Number of new columns to be added from the specified position.
Reload table Table is reloaded.
Table information Display table information.
Table data View and edit table data.
Data wizard Data wizard to view and edit data.
New data record Display form for inserting new data records.
Data import Module to import data into MySQL table.
Table indexes View and edit table indexes.
Foreign keys on table View and edit the foreign keys the table is related to.
Table triggers View and edit triggers on the table.
Table partitions Creation and editing of table partitions..
Table options Editing table options.
User permissions Edit database user permissions to table.
SQL script Output table changes as an SQL script in the SQL editor.
Save changes Save table changes.
Save table definition Save table definition and data in the archive.
Download table Download table definition and data.
Table archive Display table archive.
Table tools Display table tools.
Delete functions Display elete functions.
Table editing menu

Labeled menu by double-clicking title bar.

Save table definition and data to archive:
Backing up tables
Saving the table creation script and data to the MyWAY SQL Manager archive.

Table definition: Table creation script is saved.
Table data: Table data is saved as a SQL script.
GZIP: Files are saved with GZip compression.
Download table definition and data:
Download tables
Download the table creation script and data.

Table definition: Download the table creation script.
Table data: Download the table data.
GZIP: Files are downloaded with GZip compression.
Symbols in table columns:
Primary key Table column in primary index. By clicking, the index is displayed and can be edited.
Spatial key Table column in spatial index. By clicking, the index is displayed and can be edited.
Unique key Table column in unique indexes. By clicking, the indexes will displayed and can be edited.
Index Table column in normal indexes. By clicking, the indexes will displayed and can be edited.
Fulltext index Table column in fulltext indexes. By clicking, the indexes will displayed and can be edited.
In indexes Shows the number of indexes in which the table field exists. By clicking, the indices are displayed and can be edited.
Add table column Add table column to table at position.
Delete table column Delete table column from table.
Functions for selected table columns:
View: Selected columns are shown as data.
Index: Table columns are transferred to a new index.
Unique: Table columns are transferred to a new unique index.
Full text: Table columns are transferred to a new full-text index.
Spatial: Table columns are included in a new spatial index.
Primary key: Table columns are included in a primary index.
Delete: Table columns are deleted.
Reverse the marking: The selection is inverted.
More information about editing MySQL tables here: mysql.com and mariadb.com
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