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Creating MySQL, MariaDB FEDERATED tables

Creating MySQL and MariaDB FEDERATED tables

MySQL Creating federated tables This module a part of the table administration
Connection via connection string with insertion of the connection data by selecting host, database and table:
MySQL - Federated connection via connection string
Module for creating MySQL FEDERATED tables by taking over the connection data by selecting a server connection or a server registered in the MyWAY SQL Manager.

Connection from Server / Host: Selection of the server connection.
Connection from database: Selection of the database.
Connection from table: Selection of the table.

By selection, the data is entered in the connection form.
If there is no server registration to choose from the connection, the data can be entered manually.

Connection form:

Wrapper: Interface for the data connection (e.g. mysql).
Host: IP address or name of server to connect to..
Port: Port with which the SQL server is to be addressed.
Database: Database on the connected server that contains the table.
User: Database user to log on to remote server with.
Password: Password of the database user.
Attention: The password cannot contain an @ sign.
If this is the case, only a registered connection will work
Server Connections.
Table: Table on remote server to connect to.

Test connection: Tests the server connection.
Get table columns: Gets the table columns for selection from the remote server.
If no table columns are selected and none are created manually, the program tries to create a table with all columns, if so the program gets access to the remote server.

Both buttons only work if the server on which the MyWAY SQL Manager is installed has network access to the server connection.
If the MyWAY SQL Manager does not have access to the remote server, the table columns must be defined manually.
Table creation as SQL script View and run table creation as SQL script
Create table Create the new table in the database
Connection via registered server connection by selecting connection and table:
MySQL - Federated connection via registered server connection
Module to create MySQL FEDERATED tables by choosing a server connection.

Connection from Server / Host: Selection of the server connection.
Connection from database: Database from the registered server connection. No selection possible.
Connection from table: Selection of the table.

By selection, the data is entered in the connection form.

Connection form:

Table: Table on remote server to connect to.

Test connection: Tests the server connection.
Get table columns: Gets the table columns for selection from the remote server.
If no table columns are selected and none are created manually, the program tries to create a table with all columns, if so the program gets access to the remote server.

Both buttons only work if the server on which the MyWAY SQL Manager is installed has network access to the server connection.
If the MyWAY SQL Manager does not have access to the remote server, the table columns must be defined manually.
Connection with manual entry of table columns:
MySQL - Federated connection with manual creation of table columns

If the MyWAY SQL Manager does not have access to the remote server, the table columns must be defined manually.

Example of a SQL output of the table creation:
MySQL - SQL script to create federated table

The SQL script can be edited before execution.

Information on creating server connections used for federated tables: Server-Verbindungen
Information on creating federated tables: mysql.com and mariadb.com
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