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MySQL, MariaDB GUI program structure myway SQL manager

Program structure of MyWAY SQL Manager for MySQL and MariaDB

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MyWAY SQL Manager

From left to right: Server menu, module output, toolbox.

The connected servers with their databases are displayed as menu items in the server menu.
In the submenu of the databases you get the tables, views, procedures, functions, triggers and events

The module output is tab-driven.
Any number of modules can be opened without loss of speed of the program.
You can switch between the tabs every time.
Actions in the modules are executed asynchronously. You can switch to another module while an action is still running.
If an action is ended in a non-active tab and output for the module is displayed, the tab color turns red.

The status display appears in the toolbox for data backups witch are executed asynchronously.
The clock, the server statistics and the layout editor are also displayed there.
The clock display can be switched off.

At the top is the header with control functions

The single arrow on the left folds away the main menu to increase the workspace in the module output.

The double arrow collapses the main menu and toolbox.

The home icon takes you to the websites myway-sql.de and myway-sql.com.

The language of the programs can be selected on the right. There are 104 languages ​​available, of which I could only verify german and english. All other languages ​​are Google translations, which I cannot check for correctness.

Then follows the icon which the system control of the program called.

The user icons follow the user name: User settings, layout editor, program lock and logout.

Use the right arrow to fold away the toolbox.

In the footer, as in the header, there are arrows for folding and unfolding the menu and toolbox. In addition, the clock is displayed there as an icon and can be switched on again there.

MyWAY SQL Manager languages
  • The program language can be changed at any time.

  • There is no need to restart the program.
MyWAY SQL Manager icons
  • Double-clicking the module title bar displays a labeled menu. If you double-click again, only the icons are displayed.

  • When the mouse is over an icon, the function of the icon is displayed.
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