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Display information about MySQL and MariaDB tables

Display information about MySQL and MariaDB tables

MySQL table info This info module is part of the table editor
Information about the MySQL table

Window for displaying information about the table.


Data: Amount of memory for data on disk.

Indexes: Amount of space for index files on disk.

Overhang: Difference between used and required disk space.

Effectively: Effective disk space used.

Total: Total used disk space.

Partitions: Number of partitions in the table.

Sub partitions: Number of sub partitions of the table.


Columns: Number of table columns.

Rows: Number of data rows in the table.

Row length: The average row length of a record.

Row format: Format of data rows.

Collation: Sorting of the table (collation).

Auto index: Next autoincrement value for new record.

Number of indexes: Number of installed indexes of the table.


Engine: Database format of the table.

Triggers: Number of triggers on the table.

Comment: Comment on the table

Creation option: Special options for creating the table.

Created: Date and time the table was created.

Modified: Last Date and time the table was modified.

Check: Last date and time the table was checked.

For more information on MySQL tables, see: mysql.com and mariadb.com
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