Window for displaying information about the table.
Data: Amount of memory for data on disk.
Indexes: Amount of space for index files on disk.
Overhang: Difference between used and required disk space.
Effectively: Effective disk space used.
Total: Total used disk space.
Partitions: Number of partitions in the table.
Sub partitions: Number of sub partitions of the table.
Columns: Number of table columns.
Rows: Number of data rows in the table.
Row length: The average row length of a record.
Row format: Format of data rows.
Collation: Sorting of the table (collation).
Auto index: Next autoincrement value for new record.
Number of indexes: Number of installed indexes of the table.
Engine: Database format of the table.
Triggers: Number of triggers on the table.
Comment: Comment on the table
Creation option: Special options for creating the table.
Created: Date and time the table was created.
Modified: Last Date and time the table was modified.
Check: Last date and time the table was checked.