Tool for converting and copying databases and deleting rights.
Change database collation: Changes character set and database collation setting:
Change collation in all tables: | Also changes the character set and collation setting of all or selected tables in the database. |
Convert data in all tables: | Converts the data of all or selected tables to the new character encoding. |
Change sorting: | Saves the changes and starts the conversion if selected. The process runs asynchronously.
Copy Database: Copies all or selected tables and objects to a new or different database:
Database name: | Name of the database to copy to. If the database does not exist, it will be created. |
Overwrite tables in target database: | Activate if tables in the target database should be overwritten. If this point is not activated and there are already tables in the database, an error message appears. |
Adopt table engine: | If activated, the engine of the source table is inherited. Otherwise the new table will be created with the default engine. |
Adopt table indexes: | The indexes of the source table are applied to the target table. |
Copy data: | The data from the source table is copied to the target table. Otherwise only the structure of the table is adopted. |
Copy views, procedures, | |
functions, triggers, events: | Objects are created in target database. |
Copy permissions: | The permissions assignments of the database users for the source database and its objects are copied to the target database and its objects. |
Delete permissions: | The permissions assignments of the database users for the database and / or selected database objects are deleted. |