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Update management for the MySQL and MariaDB GUI

MyWAY SQL Manager update management

Update This module belongs to the system administration
Update management of MyWAY SQL Manager

Activate the automatic version check by requesting the update server.
If an update is available, it will be displayed in the login if no automatic update is activated.
The update can then be started manually.

If automatic updates are activated, the new file will be downloaded and installed when the program is starting.
Program configurations and user settings are retained.

You can also manually check for an update here. If there is one, a button for download and installation appears.

It's also possible to perform a complete reinstallation of all program files.
Program configurations and user settings are retained.

In the case of an update, only the changed files are normally transferred. The download is then small.
If the language module has also been renewed, the download is larger. The language module has its own version number.
In the case of a version jump (e.g. from 1.80 to 2.00), all program files are reinstalled. Program configurations and user settings are retained.

Personal data is not transferred to the update server
either during version check or update.

A list of previous renewals can be found here: Updates
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