The VERSION SQL Function in MySQL and MariaDB - Server version
Return value:
Function type:
Information function
Function Description
The function VERSION() returns a string that indicates the server version.
Example for MariaDB
1 2 3
varchar(32) BINARY
Example for MySQL
1 2 3
varchar(6) BINARY
The examples were created with the MyWAY SQL manager: Download
How to use the VERSION() function in MySQL and MariaDB databases
In MySQL and MariaDB the VERSION() function is used to get the version information of the database server, by returning a string representing the version number of the server. The function requires no arguments and can be used directly in an SQL statement or within a query.
The function is used in database administration and maintenance tasks, for example, and offers a quick and easy way to check the MySQL or MariaDB server version with which the application is connected. The feature is also useful for compatibility checks, which involves checking the server version and ensuring that queries or application code are compatible with the specific version of the database server being used, since different versions of database servers can have different syntax or behavior. The VERSION() function is also used in application logging and debugging to display or log the database server version in the logs or application user interface.
The version string typically includes major and minor version numbers, as well as additional information such as release or build numbers.