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Wizard for creating SQL statements MySQL, MariaDB

Wizard for creating SQL statements for MySQL and MariaDB databases

SQL wizard The SQL wizard is part of the SQL editor
MySQL SQL wizard
Creating simple SQL statements using the SQL wizard:
Selection of the SQL statement - available:
SELECT: Selection of options, database, table or view (FROM), table columns for output, WHERE clause and sorting (ORDER BY).
UPDATE: Selection of options, database, table (FROM), table columns for value assignment and WHERE clause.
INSERT: Selection of options, database, table and table columns for value assignment.
REPLACE: Selection of options, database, table and table columns for value assignment.
DELETE: Selection of options, database, table, table columns for WHERE clause and sorting (ORDER BY).
Sorting only makes sense with a LIMIT clause - this must be added in the SQL editor.
TRUNCATE: Selection of database and table. This statement deletes all data from a table.
CALL: Calling procedures. Selection of database and procedure with parameter input.
SHOW: Display of database definitions with selection and entry of parameters.
START TRANSACTION: No parameters to choose from.
COMMIT: No parameters to choose from.
Copy to SQL editor Copy the generated SQL statement into the SQL editor.
Add to SQL Editor content Add the generated SQL statement to the content of the SQL editor.
Copy to SQL clipboard Copy the generated SQL statement to the clipboard.
Clear wizard Clear wizard for new entry.
Data column Select table column for data output or data assignment.
WHERE column Select table column for data restriction (WHERE).
ORDER BY ASC Select table column for ascending sorting.
ORDER BY DESC Select table column for descending sorting.
Delete selection Remove table column from selection.
See also: Data wizard for tables und History wizard for system-versioned MariaDB tables
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