Creating simple SQL statements using the SQL wizard: |
Selection of the SQL statement - available: |
SELECT: | Selection of options, database, table or view (FROM), table columns for output, WHERE clause and sorting (ORDER BY). |
UPDATE: | Selection of options, database, table (FROM), table columns for value assignment and WHERE clause. |
INSERT: | Selection of options, database, table and table columns for value assignment. |
REPLACE: | Selection of options, database, table and table columns for value assignment. |
DELETE: | Selection of options, database, table, table columns for WHERE clause and sorting (ORDER BY). Sorting only makes sense with a LIMIT clause - this must be added in the SQL editor. |
TRUNCATE: | Selection of database and table. This statement deletes all data from a table. |
CALL: | Calling procedures. Selection of database and procedure with parameter input. |
SHOW: | Display of database definitions with selection and entry of parameters. |
START TRANSACTION: | No parameters to choose from. |
COMMIT: | No parameters to choose from. |