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Edit MariaDB Sequence, SEQUENCE

Editing sequences in MariaDB databases

Sequences Editing MariaDB sequences is part of the sequences management
Edit MySQL sequences

Module for editing MariaDB sequences from version 10.3:

Sequence structure Displays the sequence structure as a table.
Sequence permissions View and edit the permissions of the sequence.
Display SQL statement Displays the SQL statement for the changes to the sequence.
Save changes Saves the sequence changes to the database.
Save to script archive Saves the sequence in the script archive.
Download sequence creation Download the sequence creation script.
Delete sequence Deletes sequence from database.
Sequence columns:
Name: Name of the sequence (Cannot be changed).
Start value: Value to start the sequence with.
Minimum Value: Minimum value for sequence returns. (Choice of value input or NO MINVALUE).
Maximum value: Maximum value for sequence returns. (Choice of value input or NO MAXVALUE).
Increment: Value by which to increment or decrement the next return.
Cache: Number of values ​​to keep in cache memory. (Choice of value input or NO CACHE).
Cycle: If enabled, the sequence will start again at the minimum value after reaching the maximum value.
Engine: Table engine for the sequence.
Comment: Comment to be stored for the sequence.
Restart with: When saving the sequence, the sequence should be started with a new or the old value.
Choice of value input or NEXT VALUE.
NEXT VALUE: If the sequence is changed, it keeps the next value even if a cache has been defined.
With no value and with cache, the next value starts with the next value after cache.
Next value: Without cache: Next return value of the sequence.
Next value after cache: With cache: Next return value of the sequence when the cache is traversed or cleared.
The cache is cleared when changing the parameters of the sequence.
Cache cycles: Shows the number of times the cache has been cycled.
More information on editing MariaDB sequences can be found here: mariadb.com
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