Current version: 1.15 from 2023-07-21. Here the list of
New: Display and editing of dependent database objects for tables, views, sequences, procedures and functions.

Downloading and using the database software is free, private and business.
Easy installation, without registration.
Update function: Manual or automatic.
Professional web based platform-independent MySQL and MariaDB GUI Webware for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.
Operation on the Internet or locally on the Intranet, for example: With XAMPP under Windows or Mac.
Built in PHP and Javascript, fully HTTPRequest controlled (Ajax).
All modules speed-optimized. Minimal code overhead. Compressed data and module transmissions. The program runs very fast.
132 languages and scripts.
Change language at any time during the program run.
Tab controlled. Unlimited number of tabs. Asynchronous execution of database operations and data backups.
Parallel work on several servers, databases, tables or other database objects.
.htaccess protection. Configuration during installation or in the program.
.htaccess protection management for different users.
The program does not need its own database, uses no cookies and is free of advertising and add-ons.
Passwords for program login and server registration encrypted.
Backup copies in case of changes or deletions of views and routines.
User management for any number of users with own program rights.
Configuration options for program settings and layout for users.
Own server connections with individual editing rights for users.
Unlimited number of server connections to MySQL or MariaDB databases.
Server connections possible with SSL and compression (speeds up over internet and VPN).
Extensive information and editing options on connected servers.
Convenient editing of system variables.
Data backup of databases of any size in SQL script files as multipart backup.
Data recovery from SQL script files.
CSV creation at database and table level.
SQL statements at server and database level.
Setting and saving of SQL mode (sql_mode) for program and SQL statements.
Database User Management.
Detailed database privileges management for server, database and database elements.
Management of authorization roles.
Administration of Federated servers.
Management of foreign keys.
Convert and copy databases.
Backup of database accounts with permissions.
Extensive editing options for TABLES.
Support of system-versioned tables in MariaDB databases.
Creating tables by importing CSV files, XML scripts, PHP and JSON arrays.
Convert and copy tables.
Detailed table privileges management also at table column level.
Management and editing of indexes and foreign keys.
Data processing with SQL function selection and special editors for SPATIAL values.
Data processing also with alias outputs.
Data import from CSV files, XML scripts, PHP or JSON arrays.
Wizard for data selection and editing.
Wizard for history data in system-versioned tables.
Management, editing and creation of table partitions.
Manage, edit and create VIEWS with formatted SQL output.
Detailed privileges management for views.
Wizard for data selection.
Possible data editing in the views.
Management, editing and creation of SEQUENCES from MariaDB 10.3.
Detailed permission management for sequences.
Management, editing and creation of ROUTINES with SQL editor and parameter input.
Detailed privileges management for PROCEDURES and FUNCTIONS.
Test option for procedures and functions.
Management, editing and creation of PACKAGES from MariaDB 10.3.5.
Detailed permission management for packages.
Management, editing and creation of TRIGGERS and EVENTS.
Powerful SQL editor with syntax highlighting.
Search functions with markings in the text.
Set line markers in the text.
Search and replace: Replace one by one, replace all, in the selected area.
File-based script archive.
SQL execution via single statements or Multi-Query.
Wizard for creating SQL commands.
Controlling functions using keyboard shortcuts.
Search in databases. Search for names, field names, indices, SQL definitions in all database elements.
Search in tables. Search by name, field name, indexes.
Search in routines (procedures, functions, packages, triggers, events), by name, in SQL definitions.
Search in views (names, in SQL definitions).
Mouseover with function display for each icon.
Double-click on title bars shows Labeled menus.
Links to the help page in each module of the MySQL and MariaDB GUI.
Have fun and success with the MyWAY SQL Manager!
See also: